Seth (peace be upon him);
Seth’s (peace be
upon him) father is Adam of Adam (peace be upon him) and
his mother is Eve.
Birth of Seth (peace be upon him):
Seth (Hibetullah/Gift
of God) (peace be upon him) was born after five years of
Cain’s - son of Adam (peace be upon him), killing his
brother Abel by being jealous.
Gabriel said to Eve
(peace be upon him) "God, gave this (Seth) to you instead of
is named as Şes in
in Syriac and Şis
inHebrew. When
Seth (peace be upon him) was born,
Adam (peace be upon him) said:
"This is Hibetullâh
(Gift of God)” and swore because of Abel’s death.
Light of Prophecy passing from brows to brows:
The light shining on
her brow when Eve (peace be upon him) was pregnant for Seth,
passed to brow of Seth (peace be upon him) when she gave
birth to him.
(peace be upon him) understood that Seth (peace be upon him)
would take his place after him. The light shining on brow of
Seth (peace be upon him) passed to brow of his wife and then
to brow of Enosh (peace be upon him) when she gave birth to
him and from him to brow of his son named Cainan and passed
from brow to brow for centuries and finally it passed to
brow of
Abdulmuttalib and to
brow of
his son Abdullâh
and then from him
brow of his son
Muhammad (peace be upon him) who became the last and final
owner of it. |
Some Virtues and Prophethood of Seth (peace be upon him):
Seth (peace be upon
him) was the
most supreme, superior and beloved son of Adam (peace be
upon him) and he was the most similar son to Prophet Adam.
Adam (peace be upon
him) spoke to Seth (peace be upon him) eleven days before
his death and said:
"Oh my beloved son!
You will be my caliph after me!" and
advised him to execute his task, in a righteous way.
He left him to his
place with a testament.
Adam (peace be upon
him) ordered him to keep this secret from Cael and Cael ‘s
Adam (peace be upon
him) taught Seth (peace be upon him) the day and night hours
and the hours in which every creature worshipped to Allah.
Adam (peace be upon
him) also gave information to Seth (peace be upon him) about
the flood that will occur.
Adam (peace be upon
him) advised the sons of Seth (peace be upon him) not to
establish marriage union with the sons of Cael when he saw
that they were engaged with adultery and alcohol and went
Allah Almighty gave
twenty-one pages to Adam (peace be upon him) and twenty-nine
pages to Seth (peace be upon him) and made them obliged to
act according to these fifty pages.
Suhufu Ûlâ
(First pages) reported in the eighteenth verse of Chapter
Âlâ are the pages revealed to Hibetul-lâh
(peace be upon him) sons of Adam (peace be upon him) and
Andreas (İdris) (peace be upon him).
Almighty God; Very
good surah of Ulan the suhuf that moment Hibetul-lah Sit
b.âde (peace be upon him) (peace be upon him) reduced by
Idris Sahin-which were sacrificed.
Prophecy, Religion,
Worship and acting according to the Rights and Shariah of
Almighty God were given to Seth (peace be upon him) and his
The country of Seth
(peace be upon him) was in a mountainous place while the
country of sons of Cael was on the valley.
Seth (peace be upon
him) would never desist
from blessing and remembering God and always ordered hi s
people to refrain from not fulfilling the commandments of
God, exclude God from any deficient and faulty traits and
always to do good deeds
Therefore, there was
no enmity, envy and grudge between sons and women of Seth
(peace be upon him), and no accusations would be made, no
lies would be told ad no false swearing would take place.
When anyone of them
wanted to take oath he would say only: "I swear on the blood
of Abel!" he
Seth (peace be upon
him) was the son of Adam (peace be upon him) who made the
repair of Kaaba, for the first time with stones and mud
after the death of Adam (peace be upon him)
Seth (peace be upon
him) did not refrain from staying in Mecca and making Hajj
and Umrah; until
he passed away.
Seth’s (peace be upon him) Death:
Before Seth (peace
be upon him) died he appointed Enosh to his place and told
Enosh to protect
the body of Adam (peace be upon him) in the coffin and
refrain from not applying God's commandments and told his
people to worship in the best way to Allah.
He made his sons
pray for benediction.
Seth (peace be upon
him) took oath from his children on Abel's blood they should
not leave the sacred mountain they were living and, they
should prevent their children leave the sacred mountain and
not to be with the children of cursed Cain.
Then he died. Salute
to him and to all the prophets sent!
Seth (peace be upon
him) was nine hundred and twelve years old when he died. And
Andreas (İdris) (peace be upon him) was twenty years old at
the time when Seth (peace be upon him) died.
Enosh son of Seth
(peace be upon him) applied smell on his father's body with
a special tree gum and with the smell of the trees smelling
like cinnemon.
Seth’s (peace be
upon him) funeral prayer was performed by his sons, sons of
his sons and his daughters and daughters of his daughters
• • •
OnlySeth’s (peace be
upon him) generation not continued from the sons of Adam
(peace be upon him) and Seth became the father of the human
generation, with Adam (peace be upon him) who is the father
of humanity.
After Seth (peace be
upon him) lineage of all the sons of Seth reached Andreas (İdris)
(peace be upon him) and they also did not receive revelation
and prophecy until Andreas (İdris) (peace be upon him).
According to the accounts Seth (peace be upon him) was
buried in the cave near his parents who were buried in the
Abu Kubeys mountain which is one of the mountains of Mecca. |